Ally Health


Founder and Product Lead



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Millions of people access therapy every year in Australia. However one-third of Australians don’t make it past two sessions. Attending therapy is hard, people lack knowledge of what’s involved and aren’t supported to stick with and engage in their treatment.

After experiencing this problem first hand I was motivated to make an impact in this space and help people get the most out of therapy. In 2019, I secured funding to develop a new digital mental health product. I led the design and strategy and worked with a cross-functional team of five to launch the Ally app for iOS and Android.

Ally was designed to improve engagement with therapy for individuals on their unique therapeutic journeys. Rooted in the belief that technology can unlock significant potential in mental healthcare, Ally goes beyond simply providing information. It focuses on four key pillars:

  • Building Knowledge: By providing reliable and accessible information about accessing and attending therapy in Australia, Ally empowers individuals to understand their journey better.

  • Boosting Confidence: Ally fosters belief in the power of therapy and one's own capacity for positive change, shifting the mindset from passive recipient to active participant in their treatment.

  • Encouraging Healthy Habits: Ally doesn't stop at awareness. It equips users with personalised reminders and practical tools to cultivate positive behaviours, solidifying learnings and reinforcing progress between sessions.

  • Ensuring Continuity of Care: Ally bridges the gap between therapy appointments, allowing individuals to track their progress, reflect on their journey, and prepare for meaningful conversations with their therapist.

The Ally app serves as a central hub for this holistic approach. Users can create personalised care plans, access session notes, and track their progress with ease. Ally further empowers by facilitating note-taking and thought pattern reflection, ensuring users arrive at therapy sessions prepared and engaged. The app also provides personalised reminders and tasks to practise positive habits between sessions, promoting lasting behavioural change. Reflecting on their emotional well-being after each session allows users to gain valuable insights and celebrate progress.

At launch Ally was used on average by 200 MAU with over 100 therapy sessions being tracked per month.